We are GoGlobals

We expand companies into new geographic markets, segments and distribution channels and turnaround underperforming existing markets.We partner, we joint venture, we consult, we advise, we license. We get results.


Find out if your company should Go Global?

Get your Free “Go Global Suitability and Capability Score” Now

    It has never been easier for a foreign competitor to enter your market, and vice versa. There is enormous business risk if you try and stand still.

    Large cost savings, access to billions of buyers and a wide choice of suppliers are just three reasons why every company, no matter how small, should be doing business globally.

    Our Solutions

    GoGlobals offers an end-to-end solution for expanding your business into new global markets, new domestic segments, new domestic distribution channels or boosting underperforming existing markets.

    Company Audits – Look inwards

    Deep dive audit to identify exactly where is the business now, where does it wish to be and identify the gaps/business issues.

    Global Trends Advisory

    Look outwards; Advise where the world is going and identify how you can take advantage of the global trends.

    Market and Competitor Insight

    Market assessment of the 5 C’s: Country, Customers, Competition, Costs, Capability

    Trade Mission Trips / Business Liaison

    Government and local agencies liaison

    JV country partners / distributors

    Business development liaison

    Trade Show Support

    Trade show marketing support

    Business development liaison

    Post show follow up

    Market Entry Strategy and Planning

    Review entry options and decide optimal strategy

    Find suitable country partners and local advisors

    Develop full GoToMarket roadmap

    GoToMarket / Strategy Execution

    Launch program development and execution

    Resource the strategy – headcount, financial, time

    Turn-Key Landing Program / Approved Partners

    Access to full network including government, distributors, suppliers and service providers.

    On-Going Support and Training

    Board Advisory role

    Training services

    The 12 Essential Trends for Global Expansion

    Are you in denial or are you reaping the rewards?

    1. Three billion consumers and rising

    With many domestic markets stagnating, customer acquisition costs spiraling upwards and customer loyalty plummeting serving only the domestic market will no longer cut it. Go with the rising tide and stop fighting against the current. Do business in the growing global markets.

    2. Never stop selling; Your 24.7.365 cash machine

    Don’t limit your income by the 9am-5pm Monday to Friday work week and instead sell across multiple timezones 24 hours, 7 days a week.

    3. Go after the low hanging fruit first

    In the global market, some markets will be ‘easier’ than others. Why compete where the competition is high when there are easier markets you can easily access? And, why hire where wages are high when there are even better people available for a lower cost somewhere else?

    4. Hire an even better team…..and double your output

    Upgrade your team as the talent pool has now got seriously bigger. The World. Hire better, hire cheaper and put timezone differences to work for you by creating a 24 hour business team and look at your output skyrocket.

    5. Access better and often cheaper suppliers

    Technology and logistic advancements have made the world much, much smaller. Plus, its not only a cost factor, many ‘emerging’ nations have leapfrogged Western economies with more investment in technology, systems and customer service level too.

    6. Trade Barriers are down and many Governments lining up to help you

    The elimination or reduction of tariffs and more than 600 Free Trade Agreements (FTA’s) have help lead an export boom. Today, the average U.S. tariff rate is less than 4% – a 90% reduction.

    Profit from FTA partners when you invest in a country. Enter the US and you can access 600m people. Enter Australian and its 650m, Singapore and it’s 2 billion people.

    7. The distance dragon has been slain by technology, airplanes and logistics

    Today, technology allows you to navigate the world without leaving your office.

    Find and communicate with suppliers, talent and consumers quickly and easily online. Effectively communicate with your team and manage your projects via simple cloud based tools.

    The aviation and logistics industry have revolutionized global freight to make it affordable, secure and quick.

    8. Don’t keep all your eggs in one basket. Diversify.

    Economies go through cycles. Up and down. It’s natural and not all countries rise at the same time. Right now, much of the Western economies are stagnant whilst Asia, Latin America and Africa are rapidly growing year after year. Why not go where the growth is and move with the markets? Keeping your eggs in one basket is now risker than ever.

    9. Profit from Exchange Rate movements.

    Currencies gain and lose value against each other. If there is weakness on your local currency it makes your export prices cheaper. The opposite is also true so pay attention. Again, are you positioned to profit or lose from these swings?

    10. Follow the Global power shift trend.

    Global political and economic power also goes through cycles and shifts over time. The broad shift right now is from the West to the East. Why not set yourself up to profit from these global shifts?

    11. Become even better in your domestic market

    Going Global will throw you new challenges. Conquering these will make more innovative, flexible and productive not only overseas but also in your domestic market. You will develop adaptability and feedback mechanisms that will strengthen the entire company.

    12. Eat the Carrot or get hit by the Stick.

    If you don’t go global, a foreign competitor will and in turn, gain a competitive advantage over you that will win over some of your customers, lose you sales and eat into your profits.

    If you stand still you may perish.

    If you wish to grow, then you may need to sell your products and services into economies that are growing faster than the economy of your home country.

    Bonus Reason……….See the World, broaden your horizons and be happy 🙂

    Many people say that wish to travel more, see more of the world and learn about foreign cultures. Go Global and you can too.

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    About Us

    We are fellow business owners with a proven track record who know what it takes to grow companies, build their value and successfully be able to exit them.

    GoGlobals take companies to the next level (EBITA and enterprise value) by expanding them into new geographic markets, verticals and distribution channels and also lowering your costs via our global manufacturing, supplier and shipping network.

    We work directly with rocking business owners, private equity and VC firms, export agencies and accelerators who are committed to achieving massive growth and results in profits, market share, company valuation and ideally, whilst having a positive social impact.

    You may be new to going global or may already be in multiple foreign markets but you know you could be doing even better. We can take you there.

    We partner, we joint venture, we consult, we advise, we license. We get results.

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